Thursday, May 30, 2013

Saying Goodbye

In just 48 hours I will be departing for the Dominican Republic. That's right everyone, I'm going home!!! Packing is still in the works, but the money has miraculously been raised, supplies has been given, and the goodbyes to my friends have been made. I am finally ready to return home. 

I never thought 4 months ago that I would be taking this two month journey. I came back with my summer planned out, and even my future after high school planned out, but God had something better in store. So just some advice for those big dreamers out there, NEVER get comfortable with your plans if you are a devout Christ follower. He can switch things up quicker than you can imagine. 

Here I was, this 16 year old kid having high hopes of being a famous actor. When I returned home from my mission trip in February, I was getting ready to pay over 2,000 dollars for acting classes. I had also planned on going to two summer camps and spend time with my friends, but now that God had me in his hands again, He knew I would listen if he changed my direction. 

Now here I am, getting ready to get on a plane and spend two months in a foreign country devoting every bit of energy to serving these children in the name of Jesus. I am ready for my heart to be broken and my soul to take over. I am ready to bring some of God's children back to Him. 

Thank you to those who have prayed, supported, and donated towards my trip, and please don't stop praying! Could you please specifically pray not for me but for the kids I will be reaching out to. They need to hear of God's love, especially since it is so hard for them to. God bless you guys! 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Spiritual Preperation

   I never knew that one small week long trip two years ago would change into a life long commitment. 4 months ago, I returned from my second trip to the Dominican Republic and now in just 4 days I'm returning to spend my whole summer there. Although the physical preparation is very stressful, the spiritual preparation is what I seem to be struggling with. 

   I am beyond ready to leave and serve, but letting God take complete control is very difficult. Satan has been tempting me in many ways and has weakened my heart. I would be lying if I said the anxiety isn't killing me. This will be my first time flying alone and being in a huge airport alone. And did I mention that I am traveling to a different country ALONE? I will be spending all summer without my friends, some of whom I won't see when I return due to them going away to college. I will also be living with a family of 8, only two of whom know English.

   Placing these issues in God's hands is very challenging, but to have trust issues with God is foolish. I know He is in control and through prayer, I can conquer these obstacles. When you are at your weakest, you seem to forget what you were shown in the light, so adding to the anxiety I also have joy. 

   Joy because in 4 short days I will be reunited with the precious kids God placed in my heart. Joy because I get to be alone with God again. Joy because I will get to go where the broken meet the broken and worship the one who heals. 

   I am blessed to have the opportunity to return, and although my heart has become weak, God's spirit is alive in me.