Today, something amazing happened. A man by the name of "Papa Joe" came to our school to give his life story and the meaning behind the movie created after him called "Unconditional" (Which I highly recommend) To summarize his testimony, Papa Joe grew up with a rough life centered around pride and an absence of a father figure. As he grew up and after a serious downfall in his life leading to 8 years in prison, Joe encountered what it meant to love and be loved by a Father who would never leave or abandon Him. A father that is always protecting and prospering His children that choose to surrender to Him. After being released from Prison, Papa Joe moved down to a very poor area in Nashville where he met his wife and began a new life with her.
Something amazing happened within those first few months in the projects. God gave Joe a heart for children. And not just your average child, but the ones who were broken and without fathers. one after another, children began to gravitate to his home and as his ministry began to grow, so did the love and power of Christ through Papa Joe. He went from just handing out candy to kids, to feeding entire communities and mentoring kids all across Nashville and the rest of the country.
I think it was God's doing bringing that man to my school, for his words and testimony is exactly what I've been needing to hear. At this moment, I have over 100 children in the Dominican who desire a relationship with both an earthly and heavenly father. When I see his ministry, I can picture what I want mine to look like in the upcoming years. I don't see college on this road I'm walking, nor do I see a big house with a cheeky "suburban" family and luxurious lifestyle. But what I do see is myself after a long day, covered in dirt and sweat from helping, loving, and serving the least of these. And in my eyes... right now the least of these are those children who are growing up in homes that are bound to cave in on them if they don't have a father figure to hold up the foundation. I could easily brush this dire need off my shoulder and say "someone else will do it" or I can get up, pack my things, die to myself, and live the rest of my life thriving and loving as Jesus did. I am on this earth to be in complete surrender to God, not in complete surrender to comfort.
I look at Chino, Nino, Angel Manuel, and Angelica Maria, who have lost their father to suicide, and wonder who in the world is going to take them in. Then I ask God... "Did you Oh Lord.. want me.. of all people.. to guide these children." and the Bible verse Matthew 25:35-40 comes to my mind and pierces my heart.
" For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me."
As these finals days of preparation for my return to the Dominican Republic approach, I am overwhelmed with the sure fact that in just days I will get to go on a plane, walk into one of the most dirtiest and dangerous neighborhoods, walk up to Chino, Nino, Manuel, and Angelica Maria and give them the biggest hug you could possibly imagine. And I love them, not because they are poor... or because they have no Father.... but because when I see them.. I see Jesus. And I am to treat these beautifully broken children as I would treat my Abba Father. God bless you all and please keep me and the teams in your prayers as we venture out into the unknown next Monday.
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