Sunday, July 21, 2013

Hope, Faith, and a little bit of dancing.

Hey friends, many things have happened in the past week, so bare with me. Last Friday, me and Marcos welcomed a mission team from Pennsylvania and they did a week long VBS. They stayed at a camp about 25 minutes away from where we live, and to our suprise another group was staying at the same camp. We had no idea what to expect, but when we arrived, the group happened to be 25 or so children doing a week long christian camp.Since I had returned from my second mission trip in February, I felt a call from God to start up a summer christian camp in the Dominican Republic. Being able to help out the counselers has given me so much hope that this is really what God wants me to do here. 

While helping out with the Christian camp, I also got to help Marcos deliver two loads of amazing news. There was a woman who lived in a house that had holes (too many to count) in her roof that was made of tin. Every time it rained, her house would flood. (it rains almost everyday here) Along with having to deal with the burden of a flooded home, she recently just lost her mother. Marcos and the Pennsylvania team felt a tug on their hearts to help out the woman, so we replaced her entire roof with brand new wood and tin. When we delivered the news, she began to weep and then ran outside and began jumping up and down and praising God. Other neighbors asked what she was doing and began to worship God along side her. 

The other bit of news we got to deliver was to a little girl named Julie. In case you didn´t know, Julie is 14 years old and was born with a heart defect that is slowly killing her. When doctors gave her a checkup, they told her she had 1 year left to live if she didn´t have surgery done. Well, by the grace of God a mission team from South Carolina donated the money to have the surgery done!!! When we told little Julie, she took chalk and ran over to a wall and drew the words, ¨I get to live!¨ then proceeded to start dancing and shouting, ¨I get to live!!! I get to live!!!¨

Sometimes, I feel like I´m not doing enough here. I feel as if I can do so much more, than I remember these stories and begin to realize that no, we can´t help everyone, but like Mother Teresa once said, ¨We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean, but the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.¨
Some of the kids from the christian camp that stole my heart

The wonderful Pittsburgh team 

Little Julie. 

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