Have you ever just sat alone and took into depth of what Christ really did for us? He didn't just get up on a cross and call it a day. Jesus lived out his life serving and serving and teaching and preaching to the point of death. He worked himself until it was his time to go, and he didn't even deserve the death sentence he recieved. A man with no chains... A man with no sin... A man burdenless looked at all of us, murderers, liars, cheaters, hearts filled with hatred, and took the fall for it. he threw himself into the train that was supposed to hit us instead. Every time a string from the whip tore off his flesh, He did it so we wouldn't have to. When soldiers drilled nine inch nails into His hands and feet, He endured it so we wouldn't have to. As his children laughed, mocked, cursed, and spit into his face, his heart was screaming, "This is for you!".
I look at my life and wonder what I can do to repay such a thing done for me. I have searched all my life for that answer and it wasn't until this month that I discovered it. Jesus came into this world to start a movement that we need to finish. He sparked a flame that we need to keep lit. Jesus Christ began a revolution that we need to win. Even though what I can do won't come close to repaying what was sacraficed for me, it can help bring others to him. I want to live exactly as Jesus lived.
I want to give sermons on the mount. I want to feed 500 empty stomaches. I want to heal the sick, make the blind see, and stand up for those who have persecuters getting ready to throw stones at them. You see, just because you read the stories that occured in the Bible doesn't mean that they need to be left in the book. Who says his followers can't make happen what Paul did. What Peter did. What Jesus's disciples did? The world has blinded all of us with so much comfort that we consider being a christian going to church every sunday or dusting off the Bible every now and then.
God called us to do one thing, and that is to make him known! There are so many people who sit at home with so much knowlege and such a strong faith yet they don't use it to the advantage of the lost and broken. The Bible is our medicine to bring the sick back to life. It is the sheild to deflect any false teaching. It is the hope that can be given to those who are hopeless. I have decided to go out and do what Christ has been waiting for us to do all this time, and I ask you to take that leap of faith as well.
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